Saturday, January 1, 2011

1/365 Interest, Obsession, & Addiction

Today is day 1 of my 365 Project.
I thought for days of what to make my first photo..
Could not figure it out..
A self portrait, to introduce myself to my new readers?
My cup of tea, and methadone, to show my day to day consistency I hope to achieve here? 
I ended up noticing my son laying across the arm of the couch, playing his DS.
He is completely obsessed and addicted to his DS;
kinda like my camera and I. 
He is so interested in playing. 
Every. Single. Day.
His devotion to this small electronic device is sickening,
but I understand and can relate.
So I give you, my very first photograph of 2011.


  1. This is a good picture. Makes me miss playing my gameboy. I'll be doing a 365 over at my blog too but I will be updating every 4 days or so with 4 pictures.

  2. Cute!!! And I totally see a similar thing every day here too!
